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Meeting Slovenia

Transnacional project meeting in Slovenia

The first meeting was held in Slovenia, Ljubljana from 18th till 22rd of November 2017. The purpose of the first meeting was mutual acquaintance with the partner of the project.

Each partner had Power point presentation about country and institution from which it comes. On the first meeting were present:
•             Kindergarten Medveščak from Croatia
•             Kindergarten Istituto Compresivo Fiano from Italy
•             Kindergarten Cukurova Anaokulu, Adana from Turkey
•             Kindergarten Kuršenu Lopšelis-darželis from Lithuania
•             NGO Divja misel from Slovenia
•             NGO Blaberon from Croatia
•             Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Department of linguistics from Croatia


On the first meeting partners discussed about project workflow and other essential aspect of the project like:
•             Timetable, financial issues, contracting
•             Communication platforms
•             Visibility of the project
•             Web and logo

Partners also discussed about research which must be carried out on the begging of the project and also at the end of the project. The partners agreed about:
•             Target groups
•             Testing materials for teachers, children and parents
•             Parents’ approval for children’s participation

The last point of the first meeting was:
•             Evaluation and dissemination activities on the local level
•             Preparing for the next meeting in Lithuania


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